Video Clips From Response Resource


Your company will be attacked. Time to build a fortress.

PMIWDC Symposium

Scope Exceeds Budget, Now what?


First Work on Purpose

PODCAST: Why stakeholder engagement matters to your business

Programs and projects often go off the rails because of a lack of communication between contractor and customer. In this podcast we cover some of the basics of Mastering Stakeholder Engagement.

That’s why it is critical to learn the skills you need to identify and engage with your stakeholders. It is critical for your customer's success as well as your company's success.

PODCAST: If you meet the requirements of the contract, why should you care about stake holder engagement?

Of the top ten reasons that programs fail, eight of them have to do with requirements. A colleague of mine once told me that if a client gave him one hundred requirements, he was not satisfied with the decomposition process until he had five hundred requirements and ways to validate that the 500 were satisfied. Five-to-One sounds like a lot, but that ratio appears to be valid. That technique locked scope and assured that the delivered product of service was compliant with the what of the contract.